Call for Papers SOPHIA Malta 2025

DEADLINE: March 17th 2025 

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Network meeting call for proposals 

SOPHIA invites philosophers, teachers, researchers and anyone who is involved in doing philosophy with children to submit a proposal for our 2025 meeting in Malta.

The Meeting will take place over the weekend of May 24th and 25th. You can register for the meeting HERE.

What to submit 

We invite a wide range of proposals and aim to have a balance between papers, workshops and facilitated dialogues. 

Please submit 2 documents. 

The first should be a cover sheet that includes: 

  • Full name(s) of presenter(s) 
  • Contact Email 
  • Sending country (in order for us to be inclusive) 
  • How long required 1 hour or 1 hour and 30 minutes – please note that these times should include 15 minutes of question and discussion at the end of the session. NB there is only room for two 1 hour 30-minute workshops over the whole weekend, most are 1 hour long. We accept shorter proposals that can work alongside other shorter proposals to create panels or similar. 
  • Any technical requirements needed such as sound/video/internet/slideshow 

The second sheet should contain the body of the proposal, and it must: 

  • Be related to philosophy with children 
  • Outline what kind it is: a paper/workshop/enquiry/combination/other 
  • Clearly state its link to the theme. It does not have to answer any of the questions suggested but it should link. 
  • Be sensitive to speakers of English as a second language when it is delivered (avoid idiomatic expressions, use visuals to support etc.) 
  • Please note that our network meeting is hybrid and we will want to provide many sessions online. Please bear this in mind when putting forward your proposal and state whether your session can or cannot be run hybrid (We realize some sessions may be impossible to engage with online audience as well and your session will not be discounted if that is the case – we just need to know in advance). 

In general, proposals that have something innovative, interesting or provocative work well. Many attendees are also keen to find a strategy or idea they can take away and use in their practice. There will be up to 70 participants. 

The proposals are blind-reviewed by the executive board. Speakers will be notified by March 31st 2025 and a programme released very soon after. 

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